Our Mission
Our mission is to enable those who are not technically skilled in the operation and maintenance of computers in an everchanging world. We exist to solve computer and technology issues so you can stay on track and move forward.
Results often in hours, or in days, not weeks. With over 40 years of relevant experience we span the generations of technology used everyday.

Our Customer Group Types
1.) Power users where digital bottlenecks impact project timeline. While they have expert skills, they need computers that keep up. They rely on us to deliver economical, fast custom network throughput to maintain a competitive advantage.
2.) Individuals left behind. Slow adopters of improved upgrades everything important to them is in their computer. Their situation is often a crisis
3.) Those in a situation of managed chaos, who need to be in control. They lack the time to create a streamlined process outside of the four walls. They rely on us to innovate through technology and managed services.
4.) Those constrained by limited budgets causing inadequate resources during fluctuating workflows. We fill in the gap by providing innovative outsourced IT services and assist with technology issues.
Our Core Values
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth”
We strive to combine legacy with state of the art technology creating current solutions by renewing existing assets.
- We have over 40 years of experience in relevant solutions, spanning Fortune 500, SMB’s, startups and non-business customers.
- We specialize in resolving computing setbacks and teaching better ways to move forward and stay ahead.
- To our customers we are an as needed expert in times of trouble.
Conservative For a Reason.
The rule of law is the predicate to justice and our freedom. Virtue is the righteous regard for others. The faith of a few men endowed with wisdom beyond their time, founded the principles we now regard as law. What they feared was the Crown of England that put men in chains to deny their rights without appeal. Their reasoning was an order to preserve our nation and our freedom.
A selfish generation is now threatening the stability of self-governance.
A new populistic majority in self-indulgent, me first, behavior is running roughshod over the rule of law in blind allegiance to tyranny. They are placing their freedom outside of the protection of the law. They and their cohorts will overrun us all as unrestrained stampedes of mindless irrational reactions ensue, and lawlessness becomes our undoing.
The founding documents of this nation, The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are steeped in the values of righteous conduct with virtue, and resound with the collective wisdom of the authors. We are a free people because we have agreed to abide by these documents as the law, because they honor a higher authority than ourselves, the cornerstone of our faith.
As for me, I will abide with the law that is written in my heart. “This is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all Thy heart, with all Thy soul and with all Thy mind AND Thou shalt love Thy neighbor as Thy self.” In it are found all of the law and the prophets. God is the final authority. Freedom is granted and revoked by his judgements. That wisdom has escaped this generation.
Phillip R. Taylor